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Top 135 Art Professionals


The art industry comprises an incredibly diverse tapestry of experts in all sorts of professions. The ARTnews Top Art World Professionals list (alphabetical and not ranked) focuses on the leaders in 12 categories within the United States, the largest single national market for art.



The art industry comprises an incredibly diverse tapestry of experts in all sorts of professions. There are artists who conceive the work, fabricators who help them execute it, dealers who sell it, advisers who guide collectors, lawyers who draw up contracts, shippers who cart artworks around the world, insurers who secure the work, conservators who repair the works when damaged, and many others.

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The New York Times Style Magazine

At an art fair, there are many visible roles in play: director, exhibitor, client, critic, installer. But an undersung — and increasingly critical — part is the one inhabited by the conservator Gloria Velandia and her team of trained assistants. Almost invisible, except to those in the know, Velandia runs the international circuit as the preferred conservator for major-league fairs (including Frieze New York, which begins this Thursday). “I’m the doctor on call,” Velandia says of her unique position under the fair tent...


Blouin Artinfo

Heading up her own private practice since 1989, art conservator Gloria Velandia Ludmer labors to bring gouged, time-worn, and otherwise damaged works back to their original state. She also acts as the chief conservator of the Art Basel Conservation Department, which she co-created more than 10 years ago. She talked to us about the joys and challenges of art restoration and what collectors should know about safeguarding their art...



Art galleries in Chelsea were devastated by the flooding in New York City during Hurricane Sandy. According to just one insurer, the cost to Chelsea exceeds $40 million in lost or damaged work...




The Long Island City facility of Gloria Velandia Art Conservation has seen a steady arrival of damaged artworks ever since Hurricane Sandy flooded Chelsea’s art district in New York.

Casualties included pieces by Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, Lucio Fontana and Joel Shapiro, according to Chief Financial Officer Steve Ludmer, whose company lists on its website clients including major Chelsea galleries Pace, David Zwirner, Gladstone and Gagosian...

The Art Newspaper


Installing a life-size fish diving nose-first into the side of one of Miami's buildings was always going to need a delicate touch. But when Gonzalo Lebrija's sculpture, Black Marlin, 2009, part of Art Basel Miami Beach's Art Projects arrived from Mexico on Saturday...


Arte al Limite

Paying high prices for works of art doesn't mean the work will last forever or requires no maintenance...


Arte al Limite


Gloria Velandia es la conservadora jefa de Art Basel, una de las ferias de arte más importantes del mundo. Estuvo en la pasada edición de Ch.ACO, la primera feria de arte contemporáneo nacional...


Arte al Limite

Many times collectors encounter issues with works on paper after acquiring them. The most common cases are problems that arise as a result of inappropriate lighting, environment, climate, and undergone treatments including framing...


Neue Zürcher Zeitung

"There are no boring moments in my life," says Gloria Velandia, and that's obvious. Her cell phone rings all the time with emergency calls regarding art. "Collectors are calling me from Dubai, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, New York or London"...


Hermitage Magazine

A good Art Conservator is a key person to have in your rolodex. We're generally called to duty when there is evident damage that needs restoration or an assessment is needed to determine if damage has occurred...


Juan Carlos Perez-Duthie

So you pull a Steve Wynn. You know, the insanely mega-rich Las Vegas mogul who last October elbowed his way into a Picasso painting, tearing through the canvas. A $139 million canvas...


Juan Carlos Perez-Duthie


Sus trabajos traen a la mente imágenes de "El código DaVinci," de manuscritos secretos y pinturas maestras del arte antiguo. Y aunque la realidad no está dibujada de manera tan fantasiosa, no por ello deja de ser igualmente fascinante...


Channels Magazine

At 33, Gloria Velandia is recognized as one of the youngest certified conservators working in private practice in the United States. Her scrupulous reputation and expertise are still in demand around the globe today...


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